Against this backdrop of Taylor casting in the rising Alaska sun, we want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We are truly fortunate to have you all as friends and subscribers. This has been a tough year for many families in our country and next year is still going to be somewhat ragged, so remember......when you are having a bad day or your life gets turned upside down a little, don't write your congressman, they could care less. Go to the river and take stock of the good things we all share. The mountains, the rivers, the fish, the wildlife and the smell of the fresh air. Remember your family and God. Lou Holtz once said that the only people who truly love you are the ones you have dinner with each night. That said, I guess all the love I have comes from Jamie, my old Golden Retreiver, and actually that's plenty for me and I'm lucky to have it. After a day of fly fishing, all seems to be a little better for most of us. Then go home and call your congessman and give them crap about something and you'll do it more eloquently after fishing all day. Take good care and join us at the Fly Fishing Show in Denver at the Trade Mart on January 8,9,10. Come by the booth and introduce yourself. In the meantime, have a great Holiday season filled with joy and a few fly fishing goodies.
Capire et Relinquere,
Bill, Jan and Taylor