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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Arkansas Finally Fishing Again

After a seemingly endless runoff (sometimes you get what you ask for), the Arkansas is finally dropping and edges are clear. The river is dropping regularly each day and small creeks seem to be back into normal shape or getting there rapidly. With fish stuck on the edges to escape current velocity, fishing is bonehead easy right now. A big PMX trailing a PMD nymph or attractor nymph like a High Voltage Pheasant Tail is a good bet for lots of fish. Wading can still be a bit treacherous, so be careful and don't wade where you can't see your feet. I suspect that the river will now be great until Thanksgiving, so get out there.


Anonymous said...

I'm planning a trip to Browns Canyon on Sunday. How do I fish this section.

Anonymous said...

I am planning a trip to Browns Canyon on Sunday. How do I fish this section?