The Arkansas tends to be one of the best stonefly rivers I have yet to encounter. If one likes to heavy nymph, it can be expected to be a very productive stream 12 months out of the year. Pattern variations tend to be the key to success, however, as I have yet to find a single pattern that produces year around. This season, I have taken an in depth entomological dive into the specimens of our river, in hopes to attain a single prime pattern. I have derived, however, that due to our vast fluctuations in water temperatures, as well as the natural life cycle of aquatics; it is not possible to narrow a single color variation. Some of the best patterns are and always will be the more traditional patterns; i.e. 20 Incher, Prince, Hares Ear, etc. Over the past 6 months however I have been testing a new pattern I coin The Slab. Breaking down every great stonefly I have ever fished, I come to one conclusion; they are never to heavy. The fact is, for the majority of their life, these bugs crawl on the river bottom! So, in this light I figure a 5/32 Tungsten Bead, and a wrap of .035 lead shouldn't be overkill, right? Moving forward I incorporated a simple body, and abdomen. However, thinking about every great Arkansas R. pattern I ever fished I incorporated enough light reflection and iridescence as humanly possible. The Arkansas is an attractor river, so why not throw something in the stonefly category that's going to catch an eye or two. And not to put that period of entomological work to waste, I incorporated the most common coloration seen throughout my specimens; ending up overall, much darker than expected. The hardest part of a perfect aquatic match is in the thorax; leading to a 3 dub blended concoction........
Overall, I have been extremely pleased with the on the water action of The Slab so far. It seems to be a very effective pattern on all of the freestones of this Region; e.i. Roaring Fork, Arkansas, Rio Grande.........
If interested, give us a call for an in depth recipe!
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